Saturday, February 27, 2010

these 10 years

When I reflect on the past decade, this is what I find:

I have loved and lost
Been lost and found myself
Found myself in crazy situations and discovered a way out
Discovered Truth and believed
Believed in people and been hurt
Caused hurt and been forgiven
Forgiven and let go
Let go and held on
Held on and persevered
Persevered and failed
Felt the sting of failure and learned
Learned new things and have grown
Have grown up and been responsible
Had responsiblities and taken steps forward
Moved forward despite setbacks
Been knocked down but have gotten back up
Stood firm and been swayed
I've witnessed the worst and seen the best
I've lived in joy and experienced pain
I've been rejected and welcomed with open arms
I've had to let go and been fiercely loyal
Been amazed and felt disappointment
I've carved out a place for myself and created life

I've lived and watched and experienced.
And now on to more of it all ...


  1. this reminds me of Ecclesiastes :) I used to read that book and think, man this is depressing! But more and more I'm finding that true wisdom comes when you realize that life has it's ups and downs, but your identity and security is not in life - it's in God. I think that God has allowed you to experience ups and downs in order to teach you wisdom - you have become a wise woman Morgan!! I'm really proud of you :)

    May you experience the true beauty that isn't tied to this life - and may you taste the heavenly riches stored up for you - in this life. May you continue to grow in wisdom for the next 10 years and for as many years the Lord gives you on this earth! May your burden be easy and may the experiences the years have brought not weight heavily on you. And may your joy increase as you continue to experience the height and the depth of Jesus' love for you :)
