Friday, September 17, 2010


a cool breeze flirts with the sun's warm rays
my skin bristles and dews
the puffy white clouds wander listlessly across the bright blue expanse
the trees whisper to each other as the air circles 'round their branches
i close my eyes and turn full into the sunlight
the breeze dances across my features and sings of it's adventures
telling me of where it's been and where it's yet to go
i smile knowing that each breath I take came from somewhere far away
o, to be the wind flying here and there
my mind is full of carefree thoughts
my breathing slow and deep
i can hear the stillness
this, yes this, is peace.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

green balloon

i'm a green balloon.
you can stretch me, squeeze me, even pop me
you can blow me up with your hot air, fly me far away
you can fill me with water, try to sink me
you can twist me into different shapes
sit on me, punch me, push me around
tell me i'm blue, tell me i'm in pieces, tell me whatever you want
but i'm still a green balloon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

things i love about your voice

it isn't subject to anyone's opinion
it's a quietly resounding truth
it never tires of speaking love
it's clear and unmistakable
many try to claim it as their own, but you're not worried
it has an underlying tone of patience (which comes in handy in my case)
always has the answer (which also comes in handy with my many questions)
in fact, it always is the answer and i love knowing that

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I hear your breath, I know you're there
But lately you've been invisible
I see what you do, I hear what you say
But can't seem to find you
My skin bristles when you come around
Instead of warmth, an icy breeze you are
Obligation's replaced excitement
Deeds have become duty
Will you let me in or leave me out
Trudge on through or walk around
I can choose which path I want
But that doesn't mean you'll want the same
So I will hope and I will pray
yes, I will hope and I will pray

Monday, April 12, 2010

forgiveness is a work in progress

so hard to sit by and watch your destruction
to wait to see who it is you'll hurt next
so many words are desperate to be heard
but i choke them down yet again
silence has never suited me well
still i'm forced to bite my tongue
honor before reputation
wisdom before defense
i suffer without reprieve
and you go on thinking you're right
it is as it is and tho i don't understand
if i don't forgive i'll never live
so here it is for all to see
i ... forgive .... you
(a work in progress it might be)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


you don't know cuz you don't hear me
you don't hear cuz you don't know me
you speak i listen
i speak you listen
but we can't hear cuz we don't know
another night another day
we'll never know each other this way

Friday, March 19, 2010

be still

be still my heart
and fret no more
the sun is meant to shine
the dark may loom
and overwhelm
but grace is surely mine

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


let it go
let it go
take a breath
slow my pulse
i could rant
and i could rave
no matter what
this path you've paved
so i'll watch you walk
and push away
i won't lie or play your games
not when friendship is at stake
too much life is left to live
to live it wasting time on this
let it go
let it go
take a breath
and let you go

Sunday, March 14, 2010

missing you

i pray that night would swiftly come
and steal me away
take me to where you are
if only in my dreams
o, how i long for you
my heart will forever be yours
you are where i belong
you are all i want

Saturday, March 13, 2010


and in the silence you answer
you speak in whispers
forcing pause
i take a breath
i breathe you in
and in that breath swirls questions that have lingered
answers that have eluded me
i'm afraid to exhale
those sneaky answers just might slip right out
i might not catch it all
breathe out
breathe in
the silence is your answer

Thursday, March 4, 2010

my mind

my mind is an amusement park I’ve decided
sometimes its fun to check it out, go for a ride
but other times it just makes me sick
entry always comes at a price tho its never paid till after I’m already trapped inside
why can’t it just be a regular ole park that I could sit and hang out in?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

these 10 years

When I reflect on the past decade, this is what I find:

I have loved and lost
Been lost and found myself
Found myself in crazy situations and discovered a way out
Discovered Truth and believed
Believed in people and been hurt
Caused hurt and been forgiven
Forgiven and let go
Let go and held on
Held on and persevered
Persevered and failed
Felt the sting of failure and learned
Learned new things and have grown
Have grown up and been responsible
Had responsiblities and taken steps forward
Moved forward despite setbacks
Been knocked down but have gotten back up
Stood firm and been swayed
I've witnessed the worst and seen the best
I've lived in joy and experienced pain
I've been rejected and welcomed with open arms
I've had to let go and been fiercely loyal
Been amazed and felt disappointment
I've carved out a place for myself and created life

I've lived and watched and experienced.
And now on to more of it all ...

Friday, February 5, 2010

welcome to my guts

such a strange thing to think of posting my guts for the world to see.
i wonder if they are 'insides' for a reason
all the same, world meet guts; guts meet world
now that you're all friends ...