Sunday, November 18, 2012


God, You are my defense, my welfare.
You protect me, cover me and give me place under Your wings.
When I can find no other place - You keep and preserve me in a place of stability and peace and mercy. You tread forward, leading me and teaching me to recognize and be acquainted with Your course.
You allow me to exercise  in your teachings and pour mercy on me when I fail.
You blanket me with a sureness. I am running to You - hiding in You.
Cause me to hear Your truth - see Your truth.
Arrest my heart in Your hands and quiet me.
I am lost, I am hurting - I know You are the answer but I lack the sureness.
Have I run too far, pushed too hard? Surely Your reach is never-ending and Your love greater still. Teach me to wait - for You - on You - in You.
Let peace be my path, righteousness be my manner and joy be my countenance.
Oh how I need You and am desperate for You to save me.

[Psalm 25:1-5; Psalm 91:4]

Thursday, April 19, 2012


my middle name should be "sometimes"
"always" seems to run and hide
sometimes i cry and sometimes i smile
sometimes i can be vulnerable
but sometimes i get locked up
sometimes i climb out of a hole
just to jump in another
sometimes i'm focused and sometimes i lose sight
sometimes you love me and sometimes you avoid me
sometimes i'm silly and sometimes too serious
sometimes i learn and sometimes i teach
sometimes i have the answers and sometimes i'm lost
sometimes predictable and sometimes spontaneous
confused? ya ... me too.......